Friday, November 14, 2008

Autumnal Nature

Fall is here - we have had lovely maple leaves on the ground here for a few weeks. Rory and I spent a happy few minutes collecting leaves at his lovely Waldorf school. After bringing them home, he helped me put them into the phone book to flatten them, then onto a baking sheet and into a low oven to get rid of bugs. Finally, we arranged some of them as a base for our dining table display.

On our coffee table, some candles and acorns (which I'm embarrassed to admit) are from Pottery Barn. These acorns are lovely, fat and round, unlike our local ones that are sharp-ended and narrow (and very un-toddler friendly). Next year, we can bring in the natives.

Rory loves lining these acorns up and, lest you think we might be an only-natural materials family, puts his lego Storm Troopers in there. When I next see him put his guys in the "jungle" I'll snap a pic and post it here.
This morning, I'll try and think of a weekend craft for us to work on. Maybe something with all the pinecones Rory and I collected yesterday (they're the tiny ones from redwood trees that we are lucky enough to have in abundance around here).

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